Profit Driven Leadership Program

6 x 1 hour online sessions
Be the leader you have always wanted to be
Partnering with those who help Salons to succeed
For Dates and more information click the link in the description

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Unlocking High Performance Teams!


Transform your business with our comprehensive Profit Driven Leadership Program


If you employ a team, this will reaaaally blow your socks off! Not to mention explode your results!


YGC’s 4 week program will help you look deep within, so you can become the leader you have always wanted to be.


Is it time to STEP UP as a Leader?


If you are reading this, you will already know that the buck starts and stops with YOU! To be honest? That’s the first step! 


Growing a team in 2024 and showing up as a leader can be overwhelming. The main outcome of YGC’s program is to inspire confidence by sharing with you the latest leadership skills


There’s other leadership programs out there... YGC’s point of difference is not just sharing themes and fluffy ideas, they teach you practical skills that you can actually implement that directly impact team culture and performance.


They will provide you with the support to implement changes DURING the program, so you can see the needle move in your weekly takings.


Are you liking the sound of this? Or not sure?

We understand your hesitations:

Fear of Generic Content?  well don’t be, At Your Growth Coaches, we're committed to providing you with actionable, industry-specific insights. This is not a one-size-fits-all program. Our strategies are tailor-made for the hair and beauty industry, with real-world examples and practical exercises that will transform your salon's success.


Want to know more including date’s, prices and what is included then click the link below ��


transformational leader program
Product Code ZTRAIN86

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